Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea!
by Ben Clanton

When a waffle-loving narwhal meets a jellyfish while out for the swim, it is the start of an exciting new friendship! Narwhal and Jelly may have little in common, but that doesn’t stop them from having some great adventures together, including creating a fun-loving “narwhal” pod with a variety of other sea creatures and using their imaginations to turn a blank book into a wild story.
Told in short chapters, this cute graphic novel is a great choice for growing readers. I like how author/illustrator Ben Clanton uses a combination of comic book panels as well as full paged spreads. The story also includes a short chapter with facts about the two sea creatures. The simple, yet engaging, illustrations are done in mostly pale blues and greys, with an occasional burst of yellow and other bright colors throughout the book.
Fans of Mo Willems
Piggie & Elephant books will want to give this story a try! The next book in this fun new series will be published in May, I’m looking forward to the continued adventures of these entertaining sea creatures.
Book website: