Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Mad Wolf's Daughter

The Mad Wolf's Daughter
by Diane Magras

When knights capture her father and brothers, young Drest is determined to rescue them before it is too late.  In order to do so, she must make a dangerous journey to the castle where they are being held.  She finds help in an unlikely source, an injured knight that was left behind after her family was captured, but can she really trust him with her seemingly impossible task?

Set in Scotland in 1210, The Mad Wolf's Daughter is an action-packed story full of adventure!   I'm looking forward to the sequel to this exciting book!

Author's website:

Book trailer:

Shouting at the Rain

Shouting at the Rain
by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Storm-loving and frequently barefoot, Delsie is facing a summer of questions and challenges.   One of her best friends has suddenly abandoned her, choosing to instead spend her time with a new, mean girl.   Delsie, after spending her entire life living with her grandmother, is starting to wonder about her mother and why she left her so many years earlier.   As Delsie struggles to find answers, she is drawn to a new boy in town, Ronan, who comes with similar struggles of his own.

Shouting at the Rain is a wonderful, emotional story!   Many readers will be able to connect to Delsie and some of the issues that she, and her friend Ronan, are working through. 

Author's website

Book trailer: