Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Man with the Violin

The Man with the Violin 
by Kathy Stinson illustrated 
by Dusan Petricic

In a busy subway station, a man plays the violin. A young boy named Dylan, who notices everything, wants to stop to listen, but his busy mother pulls him away. She's not the only one, many others walk by the talented musician as he continues to play. Later, Dylan learns that the man with the violin was a famous violinist named Joshua Bell giving a free concert that thousands didn't even notice as they rushed by him that day int he subway station.

While Dylan is a fictional character, the story of the subway concert by Joshua Bell is not. The renowned violinist really did play one day at a D.C. subway and only a few out of thousands of people stopped to listen. A beautiful story that reminds us to stop and notice what is around us.

Author's website:

Book Trailer:

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