Mapping My Day
by Julie Dillemuth
illustrated by Laura Wood

The story starts with a sleeping young narrator named Flora, who is waking up with the sun shining in her face, asking the readers which direction her window must face. The first pages show a map of the home she lives in, including an explanation of map scales. Later we see a treasure map she has created to lead the readers to her treasure chest, as well as maps of their dining room table, town they live in (which shows the routes her parents take) and many other maps of places she goes. Each hand-drawn map includes important map features - legends, compass rose, etc - and explanations of what these features are. At the end of the book are several map activities, including a place for the reader to draw his or her own map. Web addresses to download these activities are provided.
This book is a great choice for readers wanting to know more about maps as well as teachers looking for books to share with their classes about maps.
Author's website:
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